Airport Applications Open! Erik Quinn | August 22/2024 9:58 UTC

We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications from airports wishing to participate in Cross the Pond Eastbound 2024!

The applications require a password, which has been provided to staff via the CTP Discord. Airports may only be submitted by events staff at the ATC facility who operates the airport in question. If you are staff for a vACC/ARTCC/FIR and need access, please make the request in the "request-staff-roles" channel of the discord.

Also, a friendly reminder that, as an eastbound event, timezone issues play much more of a factor, and will limit the participation of long-distance airports. Guidelines for this will be provided through the staff channels of the CTP discord in due time.

To submit an application, please visit

Applications will remain open through the end of Thursday, August 29th!