Crossing the Ocean without a Slot

PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO CROSS THE OCEAN WITHOUT A SLOT! A lot of people put a lot of time into making this event manageable for ATC, and if you do not have a slot, we ask that you stay away from the northern Atlantic Ocean. Fly domestic instead!

If you decide to ignore our request, and fly anyway, you are almost certain to get an entirely new route, and a significant ground delay. This will be coordinated through ATC, so you do not need to do anything special to participate. Do not attempt to circumvent the resulting delays, or the release process-- we have a dedicated person and lots of software which will catch 100% of everyone who attempts this. It is a violation of the VATSIM Code of Conduct to knowingly circumvent ATC delays, which means supervisors will be involved, and you will be disconnected, as well as potentially facing short suspensions from flying on the network. Just wait your turn, or even better, fly domestic instead of all this!

Non-Event Tracks

Please read the above section. If you're going to fly anyway, and you're doing it westbound, please plan to file one of the following westbound tracks:

Airport Briefings

Airport briefings for all CTP Event Airports are available here: